Co-authoring for Collaborative Learning in Global Understanding


  • Guangwei Zhang School of History and Civilization Shaanxi Normal University


Collaborative learning can help students better understand the foundation of their knowledge. Global Understanding (GU) provides students with a remote collaborative learning platform with the aid of modern technologies such as video conferencing and social media applications. The students organize their ideas after discussion in class with their international partners and communicate with their partners through email, which is required during the collaborative project in GU. However, the communication by email is so asynchronous due to the time differences that it is not easy for partners to working together on the collaborative project.  At times, misunderstandings occur due to the inconsistency in communication regarding their papers or presentation slides. Nowadays, online co-authoring tools allow multiple users to work on the same document simultaneously allowing the users to see what their partners are typing in real time and how their partners generate and organize their ideas. Besides the synchronous collaboration, the students can also work together asynchronously. The co-authoring tool creates an ideal environment for remote collaborative learning for GU.


